6:41:00 PM


I'm done with the academic portion of my senior year of college.  Goodbye finals week and hello Short Term! It's been a fantastic four years with all sorts of crazy experiences.  I can't believe the emotional roller coaster ride is almost over, but I still have a month left so I'll save the sentimental stuff for later.  Luckily, this last month is pure bliss.  In one of my religion classes we talked about the afterlife and that we all hoped that heaven was a little something like Short Term.  For those of you who don't know, Short Term is a month long period of time at Bates where you take one class.  The rest of the time is for camping, going to the beach, shopping, sleeping, hanging out with friends, spending hours eating in commons, and yes, partying.  I already know I'll be spending this Short Term enjoying my last few moments in Maine and New England before heading west to Cleveland, Denver, and eventually my new city St. Louis...


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