The Kings of Summer

7:45:00 PM

There are movies that make you flashback to moments in your own life.  When a character faces heartbreak you feel it in your chest.  You cover your eyes because you feel secondhand embarrassment.  Maybe you can feel their triumph or their anxiety.  In the coming-of-age comedy "The Kings of Summer", you relive the days of your adolescence. The synopsis: In order to run away from the monotony and stress of their home lives, three boys decide to leave home and build a house in the woods.  It is well cast, with Nick Offerman (from Parks and Recreation) and Moises Arias as the main source of comedy.  They are offbeat and a joy to watch.  It also helps if you like slow-motion and beautiful shots of the wilderness.  There are plenty of those.  Also as a born and raised Ohioan, I love that it is set and filmed in Ohio (not too far from where I went to high school).  Although critics have had mixed feelings about this movie, I would recommend it.  It was slow at moments but I think that's part of the artistic message behind it.  Slow down.  Enjoy your youth.  Savor those memories.  It brought memories of my own middle school and high school days. I remember pining over the boy I couldn't have.  I remember playing in the woods and building forts with the neighborhood kids.  I remember friend break-ups and make-ups.  It brought back memories of how badly I wanted my independence.  Now, I wish I didn't have to grow up.  "The Kings of Summer" is heartwarming, funny, and sentimental.  

Have you seen it? What do you think? Would you recommend it?

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