

3:08:00 PM

The past few weeks I've had an intense desire to travel.  My wanderlust has kicked into overdrive.  I'll think to myself "Maybe I can get away for a long weekend?", and I'll look at plane tickets to far off cities.  I fantasize about exploring markets in Marrakech, sunbathing in Santorini, and getting lost in Tokyo.  Although it isn't realistic for me to just drop everything and go, I do hope that sometime in the next few years I'll get to do some more traveling.  Last year I saw these videos produced by STA Travel Australia: "EAT", "LEARN" and "MOVE".  They have me itching to do something different!

Don't they make you want to get up and go? Every time I watch one of these ads I feel so compelled to buy a plane ticket and just go anywhere.


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